We all have different strengths and gifts to share with the world.
Its been a long week getting ready for the dress rehearsal with my high school girls -lots of sweat and sores. Whats more to soothe the mind and body than a relaxing cup of freshly brewed tea and foods shared with good company.I just had a reunion dinner with a friend whom I haven't seen for a long time. I also invited another friend for surprise who knew him but lost the contact, too. It was a really great surprise meeting, just "how's life" and catching up with each other. We decided to do such a meeting periodically from now on.I love reunions. So many times people become really close and then suddenly disappear. I may not see them again in my life. This seems to be part of the modern lifestyle. But the memories live on. One has to adjust and move on, I guess.
Makiko moved to beatyful house!
I also received a nice email from our former group member Makiko. She moved to Southern California where she enjoys the her life in three and driving her car in the warm sea breeze.
Makiko has been enjoying this beatyful view There were also news from our very recent group member Akari. She moved to Tokyo, where - by complete coincidence she met Mao, who was on vacation there, at a performance of the Nutcracker, of all things! Like it was meant to be.Its the little things of life to muse about over a cup of classy Earl Gray and simple cucumber tea sandwiches or scorns with devon cream with boysenberry jam. Just the right thing for a pinky-out kind of event with friends. Full of happy moments!
We will have Pinky day on the Feb 14, its Thursday!! Bring your pink color on the date for our class room,if you are there.
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