Just one smile from your happy face can lighten up the darkest day. I wish I cam able to do this all the time. This simple wishing let my motor of the passion to the dance and making choreographies.
Annually we have been visiting senior home KOKORO in SF to send flowers with our smile. 2015 Dec20, We visited there with a special performance include special music live play by Megumi, Kyoko and Sayaka.All dancer: Ronnie, Wolfgang, Yoko, Yuka, Momo Fukami.
Sayaha has 1years old baby. This little baby helped our volunteer service to light up to senior people.How her smile led brighter for old people's hearts.
Momo who delivered her baby this summer also performed for this volunteer service despite her busy baby care.
Yuka was very short time to practice so many things for this special performance ! All dancers were very busy and tight schedule for the end of the year schedule,they made a effort to pracice so many times for bright up somebody's heart.
I deeply appreciate for all dancers and musicians made this happen. A feel just gratitude what we could lighten up somebody's heart 2015. We made it!